Zero Waste - how to reduce the massive amounts of rubbish?
For years, we used the "sweeping under the carpet" method. Effect? The problem we tried not to think about did not disappear, it just accumulated. Today it is already known that a large mountain has grown from it. Garbage is a problem of great importance (and colossal size) that we collide with every day. To remedy, we must change the way we think about the issue. This assumption came from the creators of the "Zero Waste" idea.
The concept of "Zero Waste" is not something completely new. It appeared for the first time in the 1970s, thanks to the chemist dr. Paul Palmer. The scientist in his company emphasized designing products so that they become reusable items. Dr Palmer was also the founder of the Zero Waste Institute.
A global movement started at... home
Bea Johnson is considered the initiator of the modern trend. Although this sounds unbelievable, the global "Zero Waste" movement began with changes in one small household. In 2008, Bea Johnson embodied the principles, by which she and her relatives drastically reduced the "costs" of waste. When we see people who throw full plastic, glass or paper bags every day in the dumpster, it's hard to imagine that our heroine's family of four only produces a litre of garbage a year!
Since the change she gave her loved ones brings such good results, Bea Johnson decided to share her patents with the world. A widely read blog and best-selling books ("Zero Waste", "Love Your Home") have become an inspiration for many people. Everything happened very quickly. A beautiful idea has found fertile ground and is gaining new followers every week.
One letter is the key
What exactly is the Zero Waste ideology all about? It can be said that it is a lifestyle, in which concern for our planet is of great importance. Generally speaking, we should always choose options that will help minimize the waste generated when satisfying our own needs. To more effectively reach the consciousness of people who care about ecology, easily memorable slogans were created. The key here is the letter "R", from which each of the guidelines begins in English. Initially, there were five items in the catalog of rules, but new ideas for reducing our household waste continued to appear. The 5R rule at the beginning, today is usually used in the form of 7R, although you can also find versions with more than two "R" letters.
Rule 7R
According to the ideology of "Zero Waste", our conduct should be based on the following principles:
Where do these mountains of rubbish come from? One of the fundamental reasons for this is the ubiquitous consumerism. We buy items we don't need, in packaging that may look nice, but in a moment you will have to get rid of them. The "Zero Waste" ideology requires us to go against the tide. Although producers and marketers still tempt us with news or opportunities, we must be assertive. You have to learn to refuse it in various fields: say no to products whose production harms the planet, but also stick to their rules when they try to press us an advertising leaflet or plastic bag.
If we have already developed a habit of refusing, we can go a step further. It is worth looking at what we already have. Indeed, there are many things that we do not use at all, and it is unlikely that one day we will reach for them. Why are they still lying down and dusting? Let's give them to someone who will use them. A wise reduction will bring joy to the needy, and it will also come to us for good.
Reuse (reuse)
When shopping, let's choose things that can be used many times. Do not be afraid to let your imagination run wild. If an item no longer fulfils its primary role, let's think about how to give it a second life. Flowerpots made from old dishes or glasses from mustard jars or pallet furniture are probably classics. Among the followers of the philosophy of "Zero Waste", there are plenty of bold visionaries who find new applications for ordinary objects. Our imagination is the limit.
If you use something, there is always a risk of failure. Many people quickly get rid of items that have been damaged in some way, treating it as a great excuse to buy something new. This approach conflicts with the principles of "Zero Waste". If we want to reduce the amount of garbage, do not let go without a "fight". Before we decide to throw away our favourite shoes, let's try to glue them, and sew a hole in the pants (they may not be pants to go out, but useful for garden work). When we are unable to repair something by ourselves, let's trust a specialist: a shoemaker, a tailor or a leatherworker.
Recycle (sort and process)
Of course, you can't use everything forever. Once comes the moment that further repairs no longer make sense. Then, although with a sore heart, you need to get rid of such an item. However, you should do it wisely! What has served us well before, do not increase the mountain of garbage at a nearby landfill. There is a good chance that the raw materials from which this item was made can be reused to some extent. It all depends on us: will we be able to precisely identify the materials used for production and whether we will ensure that they end up in the appropriate trash cans. It's been our duty for some time, but still, not everyone takes it very seriously.
Rot (compost)
There is also waste in every household, which Mother Nature handles quite quickly and efficiently. What's more, waste can turn into valuable fertilizer, fertilizing the soil or even become a source of energy. For this positive scenario to come true, we must separate the organic waste from the rest and make sure that it goes to the appropriate bucket in the housing estate or to the composter.
This point is indirectly related to the activities mentioned above. To be effective, they must get into the habit. We won't change much with a single action. We should remember about our planet every day: both standing at store shelves and devoting ourselves to our sports passion. "Zero Waste" is simply a philosophy of life.
One goal, but different ways
The principles cited here are one of the many developments in this increasingly popular trend. On the Internet, you can also find thoughts of other environmentally sensitive people who share their own rules with the letter "R" in the name. In this case, any path that leads to such a noble goal is right.
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Silbo – packaging production experts with 20 years of experience in the industry. We support environmental protection on many levels, for example with creating new, biocompostable standards in the field of packaging production. These are the main values on which the activity of SILBO is based: focusing on innovation, ecology and quality issues.

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