Customers buy with their eyes - that is why product packaging is so important
It has been known for a long time that customers "buy with their eyes". They pay attention to the appearance of an item, its characteristic features, and what makes it stand out. During their daily shopping, they focus on what is particularly eye-catching on a filled to the brim store shelf.
According to the data from Catalpha Advertising & Design, more than half, i.e. 61 percent of customers prefer non-standard products1. That is, those that somehow differ from others, and offer an added value, difficult to find in the competition.
At SILBO, we assume that the same consumer needs apply to the packaging sector.
Let's not judge a book by its cover?
It is said that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but that doesn't always apply to marketing and sales. An attractively packaged product simply causes you to buy it. This happens for a number of reasons.
First of all, good appearance is subconsciously linked with good quality and good taste. Dull, lacklustre packaging will have the opposite effect on the customer's perception, by evoking associations with sloppiness at best, and with an inferior quality at worst. Just see how cheap products under the retailer brands are packaged.
The material from which they were made, and the limited range of colours, their unimaginative shape and minimalist lettering prove that these are cheap, bottom-shelf items (literally and figuratively).
Another issue is the amount of time devoted to the product, especially in relation to food products. The customer usually makes their decision quickly and on a whim. Having "SOME" potatoes or "SOME" salt on the shopping list, they will likely choose whatever catches their eye in a split second. And there is a lot to choose from, because - according to research - as much as 54 percent of consumers choose supermarkets and megastores as their shopping places, while most of them don’t want to spend more than one hour at a time there2.
It also happens that the consumer simply likes a given product because, for instance, it appeals to their taste, and then the packaging does not serve as "an attention grabber’’, but plays an identifying role. Therefore, it is also important that the label is characteristic enough to clearly indicate a specific brand and product type. It is well-known to people responsible for rebranding - for example, when transforming the BAHLSEN food brand into LORENZ it was ensured that the packaging always looked the same, because customers are used to it and that is how they recognise it.
What is meant by Interesting packaging?
At SILBO, we see the need to create not only eco-friendly and quality packaging, but also eye-catching ones. An example is our paper packaging with a window. They present the contents in an attractive way, allowing you to see what is inside. Additionally, they immediately indicate a better-quality product, because the production technology is in this case more advanced than the production of standard solutions.
Using environmentally friendly water paints, we care for the high print quality. Due to this, the logo and product name are very expressive and immediately attract the attention. So you can easily identify which article you are dealing with.
However, there are many more production possibilities. If you are a business client and you are looking for a company that will make packaging that stands out on the market and will increase the sales, please contact us and we will provide you with an individually tailored offer that will meet your requirements.
1 Source: https://blog.catalpha.com/three-ways-to-attract-more-customers-with-effective-packaging-design
2 Data can be found here: https://www.portalspozywczy.pl/handel/wiadomosci/jak-polacy-robia-podstawowe-zakupy-badanie,157186.html
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About company
Silbo – packaging production experts with 20 years of experience in the industry. We support environmental protection on many levels, for example with creating new, biocompostable standards in the field of packaging production. These are the main values on which the activity of SILBO is based: focusing on innovation, ecology and quality issues.

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